January Monthly Newsletter
In this issue: price drops, job openings, and more.
📅 Published February 1st, 2024 by Faisal N
Price Drop
Prices dropping soon! Unlimited Web Hosting Reseller and 24/7 Bot Hosting prices will decrease. Applies to current customers and future customers.
No Advertisements
Advertisements have been removed from our homepage, dangoweb.com. Browse in peace!
Advertiser Wanted
We are looking for an advertiser to advertise our services on many platforms and servers. Create a ticket if you are interested!
Domain Renewal Reminder
This is a reminder that if you would like to renew your free domain, open a ticket immediately. As they are sunsetting from the public market, we will not continue to autorenew your free domains. If you still wish to keep your domain, open a ticket. You must do this before it expires. Legal TLDs only.
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